Pope Francis Bishop of Rome
Since the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio on 13th March 2013 the Bishop of Rome Pope Francis, has injected an air of simplicity and humility into the Church. He exudes an abiding trust in the Holy Spirit and the surprises the Spirit can spring on the Church. He is clear in his mission to win hearts and minds, to boost the faithful, speaking a language of our times, and with a sense of Christianity’s early roots as a Church of the people, full of hope in the future.
Pope Francis has a passion for evangelising, taking the Church into the public square, promoting social justice and structural change in the world’s socio-economic systems and reaching out to young people. He did not mince his words when speaking to pilgrims at the closing Mass of World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro in July 2013. “Possessions, money and power can give a momentary thrill, the illusion of being happy, but they end up possessing us and making us always want to have more, never satisfied. And we end up ‘full’ but not nourished. And it is very sad to see young people ‘full’ but weak. Young people must be strong, nourished by the faith and not filled with other things.” It remains to be seen to what extend Pope Francis’ radical simplicity of gesture and word can prove truly transformative. May Pope Francis continue through his simplicity and humility to be an inspiration to a world in search of meaning.
Letter from Pope Francis